
Slight differences; they are all about the details...

I have the strange habit reading my newspaper (yes ... PAPER...) backwards. So when I chucked my newspaper out of the mailbox today I started on page 27 (going out section). When I reached page 22 the heading was something like

"Staying up one night equals a 3 km walk"
(saying sturdy things like this definitly catch my attention... I mean, 3 km... that's like nothing! I can do that... HA)

The sleep deprivation of one night costs a human being the same energy as a 3 km long walk. It only costs 7% extra... Ok. fine, whatever would one think... BUT (and here comes the best part) the same test was done on rats, and they use 50% more energy. Significant huh....

ONE MINOR DETAIL: the test on humans was performed on people who were aloud to watch TV, read, knit, whatever BUT the test on the rats was performed on animals which were forced to balance on a floating raft .... ALL night long ...


(oh that's Heidi, by the way)

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